Knit a Sock Tutorial with Rainah Part 5


Now that we knitted to 2 inches before our toe we are going to start decreasing. Just like we did in the gusset decreases only we are decreasing 4 times instead of two.


Section 1: Knit to the last 3 stitches do a knit 2 together and knit the last stitch


Section 2: Knit 1 stitch, knit to the last 3 stitches do a knit 2 together and knit the last stitch


Section 3: Knit one stitch slip slip knit, and knit the rest.


After every decrease row you want to knit a row in between.


My magic number is 40 transfer them to the DPNs. 20 on each needle



The easiest way for me to explain this is to take a darning needle and break about 18” of yarn from your ball. Thread the darning needle making sure your yarn is on the back right hand side.



I always carry this image with me while Kitchenering my socks



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